3 Property Marketing Tips to Attract Tenants in a Tough Mt. Laurel, New Jersey, Market

3 Property Marketing Tips to Attract Tenants in a Tough Mt. Laurel, New Jersey, Market

3 Property Marketing Tips to Attract Tenants in a Tough Mt. Laurel, New Jersey, Market

About 96% of homebuyers search for their dream home online, as do renters. Without a well-planned property marketing strategy, tenants won't find your properties online. Instead, your rental property will sit vacant, draining money from your accounts.

Before that happens, use these three real estate marketing tips. Start finding tenants online today!

1. Upgrade the Rental Property Listing

An eye-catching rental property listing is your chance to make a strong first impression on potential tenants. If the listing doesn't provide the information they need, they'll look at other homes for rent.

Hire a professional photographer to gather image and video content of the listing. Choose a photographer who specializes in real estate work. Ask if they can create a virtual or video tour of the property.

Video content can help you stand out online. It will also provide renters with the information they need to determine if they like the property.

Enhance the listing by providing as much information as possible. Include a(n):

  • Attention-grabbing headline
  • Thorough description
  • List of amenities and special features
  • Rental rate

Include a compelling call to action that encourages renters to reach out for a tour or more information. Once you update the listing, share it! Use email automation and social media marketing to generate traffic to the listing.

2. Use Omnichannel Marketing

An omnichannel marketing strategy involves using multiple platforms to expand your reach and visibility. As more people find your listing, you'll generate more leads. As part of your strategy, consider:

  • Search engine optimization
  • Paid advertising
  • Content creation
  • Email marketing
  • Social media

Don't neglect social media marketing. There are now over 4.9 billion social media users worldwide. Narrow down your focus by using location-specific keywords.

Share content on a schedule. Fresh content can direct more traffic to your listing.

If you need help, hire a property management company. Their landlord advice can help you make informed changes to your campaigns. They can manage your campaigns and make adjustments to improve your reach.

3. Generate Reviews

Positive reviews from your existing tenants could help you appeal to new tenants. Ask your renters if they're willing to share their thoughts online. Provide a link to your Google Business listing or another platform.

Generating reviews can boost your organic search engine rankings. Higher rankings will help future tenants find your rental property online.

Consider developing a referral program. Reward your existing tenants for directing new renters your way. For example, you can offer a gift card to a local store or restaurant.

You can share video testimonials on social media or through email marketing. Keep generating reviews. If they're not fresh, renters may overlook them.

Improve Your Property Marketing Plan

Developing an effective property marketing strategy can take time you don't have. Instead, consider outsourcing. With help from an experienced property management company, you can find more tenants without delay.

PMI Garden State uses state-of-the-art technology to help clients maximize their earning potential. We're the top management company with the awards to prove it. Contact us today to upgrade your real estate marketing strategy!
